To browse Academia. The paper investigates the evolution of Turkey's security policy from traditional hard security frameworks to a more integrated approach encompassing soft security issues. The author argues that under the Justice and Development Party, Turkey has reshaped its security agenda to balance hard power with a focus on societal, economic, and diplomatic dimensions, positioning itself as a significant player in international security. Geopolitical Foundations Despite the changed world ofthe Republic of Turkey could not dissociate itself from its Ottoman heritage. New Turkey inherited the geographical essentials of the Empire, the most important feature being control of the Straits. This alone guaranteed that modern Turkey could not be dismissed as a Middle Eastern country. The small area of the Straits and European Thrace was both strategically and psychologically important, but also very vulnerable to attack. However, the Anatolian part of Turkey was highly defensible. On three sides there were seas the Black, Aegean, and Mediterraneanand in the east protection was offered by the mountains of the Kurdish region and the Armenian highlands. The border with the Sovi The EU conditionality urged the promotion of soft power in Turkish foreign policy between and During this period, Turkish governments pursued soft power policies by establishing stability and security in the Balkans, Caucasus and the Middle East, improving its own relations with Syria through diplomatic means. Despite the increase on the use of soft power, starting from on, alongside the soft power, the use of hard power has still increased in Turkish foreign policy. In this context, this article attempts to answer why the use of hard power again became dominant in Turkish foreign policy after It is argued that this subordination includes an ambiguity on its sufficiency for the transition from the use of soft power to hard power in Turkey. Turkey usually resorts to the military dominated security approaches against regional security threats. The perception and discourse analysis will concentrate on difference Kenan Ozturk Lapta Casino opinion concerning military security and threat perceptions of Turkey through the speeches of Turkish civilian and military officers. To understand the perceptions of military security and threat of Turkey, the institutional background of military security and threat will be exhibited. Then, the study will concentrate on the increase on the use of hard power in Turkish foreign policy starting from on by examining the examples of crises with Iraq, the civil war in Syria and the terrorism problem in Turkey. At the same time, the article will bring an explanation to the perceptions of military security and threat through the conceptual tools of securitization approaches of Copenhagen School. The article argues that Turkish foreign policy has moved beyond slogans. As far as security is concerned, relying mainly on soft power, Turkish strategy is closer to the European strategy in that it tries to look to the security of whole population groups and their general welfare. Nevertheless, it is also seen that Turkey is now mature enough to employ different strategies in its relations with regional actors and in dealing with security issues. Turkey has undergone major transformations and a number of ups and downs between and Yet, its location suddenly opened up new windows of opportunity to exploit in the newly emerging world dis order, al-though these, more often than not, also entailed risks and challenges. Yet Turkey is a country negotiating for accession to the European Union, an emerging regional power, a member of the only surviving global military alliance, an active participant in international peace-keeping or peacemaking efforts, a mediator in its re-gion, an aspiring energy hub, and an elected member of the UN Security Council for — All these do not preclude the fact that Turkey today continues to face several challenges, both in domestic politics and regarding its regional and global role. As domestic cleavages persist on both ethnic and religious grounds, thus the continuing salience of perennial identity discussion, the EU negotiation process has come close to stalling. Yet while President Tayyip Erdoğan nowadays relies more on Kenan Ozturk Lapta Casino, the focus on the aforementioned ideological transformation overlooks the key relevance of the new security regime now dominating Turkish politics. Efforts to Kenan Ozturk Lapta Casino the New Turkey have culminated in the politicisation of the military and the militarisation of politics. This manuscript was started in July with the sole purpose of tendering mostly the psychological disposition of the Turkish people and the reasons for that disposition as I understand it owing to my paternal heritage. Nonetheless, events mostly in the Middle East forced me to modify some parts of the paper. Strategic culture refers to widely shared normative beliefs, attitudes, and policy preferences as they pertain to a country's foreign relations. It is the psychological personality of a country. It simply offers information that one needs to know in order to understand why Turkey as a whole behaves in certain ways and to explain its national personality. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Kenan Ozturk Lapta Casino an account? 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Hobyar Mahallesi Rahvanclar Sokak No: 5 1.
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