Günümüzde Lovemark olmak, özellikle Lovemark kalmak çok daha zor. Markasızlaşmaya doğru gittiğimiz çağımızda bazı markaların insanlarda duygusal bir etki yaratması, gönüllerinde yer edebilmesi bu nedenle çok kıymetli. Fikirler, davranışlar; virüsler gibi veya bilgi gibi yayılmıyor. İkisi çok farklı karakteristiklere sahip ama biz çoğunlukla davranışların da virüsler veya bilgi gibi yayıldığı varsayımıyla hareket ediyor, planlar yapıyoruz. Ellerinde mızraklarla av peşinde koşan atalarımızla sosyal ağ yapısı da dahil olmak üzere çok farkımız olmadığını rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz. Başka bir deyişle büyük şehirlerde ama gizli modern kabilelerde yaşıyoruz. Kullanıcı adı ya da e-posta adresi. Kullanıcı adını ya da e-posta adresini Malcolm Gladwell Blink Poker. Sana bir e-posta göndereceğiz. Oradaki bağlantıya tıklayarak parolanı sıfırlayabilirsin. Malcolm Gladwell. Yakın Plan. MediaCat, Pelin Özkan, İhsan Özçıtak, Sosyal ağlarda gizli modern kabileler Ellerinde mızraklarla av peşinde koşan atalarımızla sosyal ağ yapısı da dahil olmak üzere çok farkımız olmadığını rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz. Giriş Sign In. Parolanı mı unuttun? Your password reset link appears to be invalid or expired. Giriş Gizlilik Politikası Kabul et. Add to Collection Add new or search Public collection title. Private collection title.
In my recent review of The Grand Design I went on about my love of science, particularly of physics. But in the end, Maria Konnikova is a writer and student of human behavior, and ultimately the point was to render her incredible journey into a container for its invaluable lessons. Whenever you make a decision, be aware of the kind of decision you are making and the kind of thought process it requires. A little experience, however, changes everything. Oradaki bağlantıya tıklayarak parolanı sıfırlayabilirsin.
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(2). Hertenstein covers all. Blink The Power of Thinking Malcolm Gladwell. ,00 TL. Penguin Books Yurt Dışından. With Blink, The Tipping Point, and Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell has cornered the market on popular studies of human behavior. A New York Times bestseller • A New York Times Notable Book “The tale of how Konnikova followed a story about poker players and wound up becoming a story. This is a charming book that illuminates the most useful and fascinating findings of decades worth of research on social psychology. But Jonah Lehrer's How We Decide. Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking PB. İnce Kapak.Bu şov ile haberdar kalın. The prefrontal cortex allows each of us to contemplate his or her own mind, a talent psychologists call metacognition. Under Seidel's guidance, Konnikova did have many epiphanies about life that derived from her new pursuit, including how to better read, not just her opponents but far more importantly herself; how to identify what tilted her into an emotional state that got in the way of good decisions; and how to get to a place where she could accept luck for what it was, and what it wasn't. There are things I really liked about this book. If we do not, we might end up rejecting a deal that is much more lucrative than what any of the remaining briefcases might offer. Making up quotes from Bob Dylan? For example, scientists learned about the importance of our moral emotions by studying psychopats. Beyin açısından bakıldığında, iyi bir kararla kötü bir karar arasında ince bir çizgi vardır. But in the end, Maria Konnikova is a writer and student of human behavior, and ultimately the point was to render her incredible journey into a container for its invaluable lessons. The prefrontal cortex is also capable of coming up with unique and creative solutions or flashes of insight, which feel more instinctual or emotion based, but is an elegant synthesis of the two. Tightly tightly written and entertaining, How We Decide is intended more for general audiences than academics, who might find its descriptions and explanations too basic to help in their professional work. The series will air weekly, starting Thursday, August 31st. I also liked that he gave a short chapter at the end summing up the different chapters, and how this information can be integrated into the reader's life. We go broke convinced that we are saving money. I picked it up and read part of a couple chapters. Whenever you see a human face, you use a highly specialized brain region called the fusiform face area that is solely devoted to helping you recognize other people. Doğa Bilimleri. He writes, "Immediately, I started to go faster. There's a Philip K. Unfortunately here, with several hundred pages in which to illuminate the mind, he seems to have missed the scope. This is where rationality and a more thoughtful decision-making process becomes essential: we have to analyze the new information and figure out how to incorporate it into our model before we can proceed. The best way to make sure you are using your brain properly is to study your brain at work, to listen to the argument inside your head. Essentially, if the problem can be broken down into numbers the odds are six to one that… then reason needs to play a role in your decisions. Maria Konnikova. Their moral intuitions are never tuned on.