If you see this message, it means that your browser failed to load this file. Eğer evet ise, lütfen bu rapor için oy verin. Evet ise 24 saatten fazla bir süredir tercüme edildi mi? Oyun arayüzünün bir parçası mı? Hata mesajı? Eğer evet Convert Nor Of Poker, hangi hareket numarası? Email ayarlarimi denetle. Şimdi oyna Yenilikler Oyunlar Topluluk Forum. Bu rapor neyle alakali? Bir oyunla ilgili, numaralı masada oldu Genel olarak web sitesi hakkında bir oyunla ilgili değil. Ne oldu? Lütfen Convert Nor Of Poker seçin Arayüz kurallar dahilinde de olsa bazı oyun aksiyonlarını yapmamı engelledi Web sitesini kullanırken bir şey düzgün çalışmadı oyun sırasında değil Tercüme eksik. Belirli kesimler ana dilinda degil, ingilizcede gösteriliyor Öneri: Bence, aşağıdaki web sitesi büyük ölçüde iyileştirir. Lütfen aşağıdan seçin. Lütfen aynı konuda bir rapor olup olmadığını kontrol edin Eğer evet ise, lütfen bu rapor için oy verin. Take a free action. Take an action. Google Chrome v The option was not offered. Rapor geçmişi. And free actions include discarding a token from bin 2 to advance one to bin 3, so having the choice of a free action should apply to many the majority? On which move number did it occur? You can find the current move number by looking in the upper-left corner where the progression is indicated in landscape for mobile users. Or you can click the 'View game replay' button after the game ends and either find it in the log or walk through the replay. Please be aware that we're not BGA employees, just gaming enthusiasts like you, so the BGA framework prevents us from analyzing games that are still in progress. Firstly, I very much appreciate all you do for games on BGA and did not realise you would not be able to access my game, sorry. The game I posted here was a test game to check the game linked below, so was 'finished' as I conceded. This is a finished game where the option 'Always' is selected for 'Ask for conversions after action': [list]condekind vs Automa - [url] boardgamearena. I have noted that the player changed the preference around move 7, but in the test part-game I linked to I had changed the option at the beginning. Thank you for looking into this. Thanks for the feedback. That was immensely helpful. The "always" prompt sounds like it should be a pretty obvious, easy feature, but it's not. It gets even more complicated if they choose the other conversion option that only checks for max power. On the other hand, Convert Nor Of Poker "never" option is actually quite simple. The bug here is that last bullet point. We need to add one more. So I've made it that much more complicated to satisfy your request today. Thank you! If players don't want to be asked constantly, they can choose a different option.
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