Programımız doğrultusunda öğrencilerimiz, fakültemizin Modern Dans bölümüyle bir çok ortak ders alır, birlikte projeler üretirler, seçmeli derslerde diğer fakültelerdeki farklı sanat alanlarındaki öğrencilerle birlikte çalışırlar. Tüm gösteriler, açılışlar, tanıtımlar, sergiler, tiyatro yapımları, müzikaller, film, video klip, reklam, tanıtım kampanyaları için beste ve ses tasarımları üretebilirler. Özel ve kamusal dans ve tiyatro toplulukları, tv kanalları, tanıtım ve pazarlama sektöründe de eğitmen, ses tasarımcısı, besteci ya da ses teknisyeni olarak çalışabilirler. It aims to teach how to recognize keys and play major and minor finger patterns on piano as well as melodic and rhythmic notations. It also covers basic harmonization and transposition, scale, chord progression, sight-reading as well as improvisation. It intended to give students necessary skills which may obtains a basis for to play keyboard as a tool of composing music or designing sounds. Tim Pettingale, SOAD Ear Training - Fundamentals of Music 3 This course is an introductory to music theory to which provides a basis for students which is preliminary 888 Poker Live Events 2020 composing music and designing sound. It examines the fundamental elements of music such as reading and writing notes and rhythms, major and minor scales and key signatures, intervals and triads. Students are introduced with language of music necessary for all their profession as musicians or technicians and learn about timbre, beat and tempo, meter, pitch and mode, tunings, tonality, melody, texture and harmony. The course also contains practices to develop aural skills such as identifying intervals and triads, rhythmic dictation in simple and compound meters and melodic dictation in major and minor keys. The sensual aspects of sound are interrelated with physical parameters of it. Therefore, none of them irreducible when creating a sound effect, environment, song or narrative through music. This course contents and examines the related concepts of waves, velocity, frequency, refraction, diffraction of sound, resonances, decibel measurements, sound filtering, synthesis. White - Donald H. WhiteDover Publications, FMPA Improvisation: Movement, Drama and Sound 3 This, faculty coded shared course, aims to gather all the students of department of contemporary dance, department of acting and department of sound arts design, under the shelter of improvisation which is one of the very crucial tool of creative thinking and body-mind awareness. Students practice thinking and examining necessary notions of creation and composition with the help of improvisation. Along with, they also apprehend abstract concepts like space, being, time, event etc. Besides, they are prepared for coming school years in means of to work and collaborate each other for creative music and performance projects. Tarin Chaplin, Dance Books Ltd. FMPA History 888 Poker Live Events 2020 Music 4 This course is also faculty coded shared course which aims to convey overall historical cornerstones of western and eastern music to the students. Course is intended to help students to picturing development of the concept of music and differentiate certain eras and cultures from each other. History of music underlines the cultural and sociological aspects of music creation through time and examine its impacts on contemporary art of music and sound. This course is also the part of understanding to related field of each student. Crocker, Dover Books on Music, FMPA Culture of Thinking 2 This philosophy related course is designed for especially young artists in order 888 Poker Live Events 2020 inform them about important thinkers and their key ideas in the history of the world. Student meet with highly influential names and their point of views as well as learn the key concepts of history of philosophy by reading and discussing their quoted works. The purpose of this course is to make students more conscious of how thinking practices or certain philosophical issues related with artistic creation throughout the history. Stewart, SOFL Academic English I 3 Students who regularly attend this course will have the opportunity to practice a variety of study skills, including but not limited to setting goals, organizing, using time, concentrating, and taking notes. Students will be given important articles written in modern-day English and students will learn to discuss and write responses at an academic level. At the end of the lessons, each student will be able to derive the meaning of unknown words in a reading text, write paragraphs and articles, summarize, discuss and write reply letters. It has controllers of pitch bend, modulation wheel and expression pedals. A contemporary musician creates music and designs sound with digital audio workstation and virtual instruments. Keyboard for the Electronic Musician is targeted the beginners or early stage keyboard players to teach them write, produce and perform using keyboards advantages or facilities which range from acoustic piano to electronic controllers. Therefore, this course intends to teach students, necessary skills of using keyboard as a tool for musical writing and designing. It also strengthens theoretical knowledge of students and enable them to develop right hand independence for to do simple compositions and improvisations while comping with the left hand. Since our students are prepared for electronic or digital music creation, this course intends to enable them to listen any music piece critically which allows to deconstruct its mix and to examine the physical inputs in it, in order to translate emotional outcomes of it. Within this course students train their hearing to catch physical details of the musical performance or recording mix such as frequency response, dynamic range, tone and instrumental blend. Alton Everest, Cengage Learning, It introduces essentials of music technology such as; analogue and digital audio, MIDI and system components: sequencers, digital audio work station, samplers, processors. Students learn to produce simple mix of musical materials, apply various editing techniques to enter and operate musical inputs on computer via software. During the course they have notions about history and development of Music Technology.
Crocker, Dover Books on Music, Opinions and suggestions of administrators and teachers about the quality of education given in private education institutions Master's Thesis. Atölye Arkın. There will be projects that student can perform individually and within a group and have opportunity for public sharing due to collect feedbacks and evaluate their reactions. Examining technological and pedagogical content knowledge of special education teachers based on various variables. Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi, 2 2 ,
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