Zeki Ziya z. Website www. Yazılı izin olmadan içeriğin bir bölümünün ya da tümünün yeniden yayınlanması kesinlikle yasaktır. All right reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole without written permission is strictly prohibited. Almost everyone living in Northern Cyprus has a deep love for their country. They cannot part ways with Cyprus; and even if they do for many years, they always long for returning to their country. Seeing that the guests visiting Cyprus share this same feeling makes the people of Cyprus ineffably happy. Once they come to the island, foreign visitors are always eager to spend another vacation in Cyprus; some even begin to consider spending the rest of their lives in Northern Cyprus. Being so close to nature and a thousand years of history is the main reason why everyone living in Cyprus connects so passionately with their country. This passion is so intense that despite facing certain setbacks every day, you can never give up the idea of living in Cyprus. Belki de bu yüzden Kıbrıs insanının kalbini çalan en büyük sevda, ülkesi ile kurduğu bağda yatar. This is probably why the greatest love that stole the heart of the people of Cyprus is their bond with their country. Esaretin kuşkusuz en güzelidir bu…. Although they sometimes Casino Igri Super Hot Frog that they cannot live with or without the island, the people of Cyprus and most foreigners who have later settled in Cyprus are held captive by their passionate love for the island. This is, without doubt, the most beautiful kind of captivity Today, they continue to perform as a cover band. The primary objective of Gommalar is to use their melodies as weapons and spray flowers with them to spread love. The band performs the compositions of Sertunç Akdoğu. The core members of the band were largely known for their participation in festivals and certain political events. The leading members of the band who performed their concert at the historic Bedesten Bazaar in Lefkoşa wereSertunç who gained prominence with his compositions and his siblings Aytunç and Simge Akdoğu who drew attention with their fascinating voices and melodies. Together with Gommalar, the works of Aysun Kahraman, known for her documentary and film soundtracks, and Emre Pehlivan and Fikri Karayel, talented young musicians of Northern Cyprus, were performed by the joint efforts of a group of 25 persons at concerts given first at Bedesten in early and then at Salamis Amphitheater later in the same year. Ortak bir ses oluşturmak için düzenlenen ve izleyenlerin belleklerine kazınan bu konserler, ayrı çalışmalar ve gruplar içinde yer alan müzisyenlerin dayanışmalarıyla oluşacak güzellikleri öne çıkarıyordu. Bir hareket olarak başlayan ve müziğin birleştirdiği çizgide hareket etmeyi hedefleyen genç müzisyenler için, devamında Gommalar çatısı altında alt grupların oluşturulması hedeflenmişti. Mesela, Gommalar Galactica adı altında elektronik müzik yapılacak, Gommalar Cover Band sevilen popüler melodileri seslendiren bir alt grup olarak çizgisinde devam edecek ve müzik anlayışlarının farklılığına göre farklı isimlerle ama Gommalar çatısı altında değişik oluşumlar söz konusu olacaktı. Bunları tamamladıktan sonra küçük bir oda orkestrası kurup konserler vermeyi planlayan Akdoğu, senfonik çalışmaları da hedefliyor. These memorable concerts were aimed at creating a collective sound and introducing the beautiful cooperation among musicians who had their separate projects and bands. All this started as a movement. Young musicians who wanted to act together on the common platform of music decided to form subgroups under the banner of Gommalar to perform in the future. For instance, Gommalar Galactica would make electronic music, whereas Gommalar Cover Band would continue to work as a subgroup performing popular songs. In this way, groups with different names but under the common title of Casino Igri Super Hot Frog would be able to take part in projects reflecting different musical styles. Unfortunately, this ambitious project was not realizable. However, Gommalar continues to pursue its original strategy and perform as a cover band with the vocalists Aytunç and Simge Akdoğu, guitarist Onur Kasapoğlu and percussionist Görkem Müniroğlu. The life of Aytunç Akdoğu, one of the vocalists of the band, is defined by music. Throughout out his year academic life, Aytunç Akdoğu enrolled in the music departments of several universities, starting with the Eastern Mediterranean University and moving on to the United Casino Igri Super Hot Frog and the United States. The concert at Bedesten was prepared as his graduation project. Aytunç Akdoğu currently works on compositions for the orchestra. He recently collaborated with Sevcan Çerkez, ceramic sculpture artist, on 15 pieces sang by Çerkez. Akdoğu now plans to form a small chamber orchestra to perform concerts and continues to work on symphonic compositions. Yaratıcı ve özgün elişi çalışmalarına da ilgisi olan Simge Akdoğu, aynı zamanda enstrüman yapımıyla ilgileniyor. İpeksi sesiyle öne çıkan Simge, aynı zamanda müziğin terapi aracı olarak kullanılmasını da önemsiyor. Gommalar grubuyla yaptığı çalışmaların dışında da hayatı hep müzikle iç içe olan Kasapoğlu, özel gitar dersleri de veriyor.
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